To provide operational procedures that apply to learning and teaching assessment and moderation practices regardless of delivery modality at the Otago Polytechnic Business Division of Te Pūkenga.
Assessment and Moderation - OPBD Procedure
Click on the link below and read this policy in conjunction with the:
Te Kawa Maiorooro | Educational Regulatory Framework
Te Pūkenga Kaupapa-here | Assessment Policy
Te Pūkenga Kaupapa-here | Moderation Policy
The relevant Te Pūkenga Academic Policies/Procedures/Frameworks, current Otago Polytechnic policies and Otago Polytechnic Business Division procedures (as per Te Pūkenga Transitioning (Grandparenting) of Former Subsidiaries Policy) and the relevant Otago Polytechnic Business Division Procedures.
- Human Rights Act 1993
- Public Records Act 2005
- NZQA Degrees and Related Qualifications Guidelines for Programme Approval and Accreditation to Provide Programmes.
- Guidelines for applying for approval of programmes leading to New Zealand qualifications at Levels 1-6 on the NZQF and the accreditation of organisations to provide approved programmes.
- NZQF Programme and Accreditation Rules 2013
- Guidelines for monitoring programmes leading to Diploma, Degree, and related qualifications at levels 7 - 10.
1. Assessment will take many forms and use a variety of methods to enable ākonga to provide evidence that meets all learning outcomes.
2. Accurate and timely information regarding assessment and assessment conditions including dates, type of assessment, weighting, conditions, requirements to pass, reassessments/resits/resubmission requirements including fees where applicable, will be given to learners at the start of their course(s).
3. Examinations – refer to TKM, Conduct of Examinations, Section 7.4.
4. All examinations must be conducted in accordance with the TKM, Section 7.4, Impaired Performance/Aegrotat – OPBD Procedure, and Academic Integrity – OPBD Procedure.
5. Heads of College are responsible for ensuring examination supervisors and/or invigilators receive a copy of the Academic Integrity – OPBD procedure and understand the relevant sections in the TKM, and this procedure and its appendices.
6. Eligibility for Alternative Assessment Arrangements – refer to TKM, Supported Assessment, Section 7.3., Assessment Concession, Section 7.6 and Variations to Assessment, Section 7.5.
7. Any ākonga meeting the following criteria may be eligible to apply for alternative assessment arrangements (refer to Appendix 1. Alternative Assessment Form).
8. Sensory, physical, learning, or mental health disabilities or long-term medical conditions that impact on ākonga ability to complete summative assessments in a fair and equitable manner.
9. Literacy difficulties that result in performance in a summative assessment not accurately demonstrating understanding of what is being assessed. These difficulties may include:
- spelling to the extent that a marker/assessor would not be able to decode the answers,
- handwriting that is illegible.
NB: Ākonga should be working at a level that they feel confident and competent to take part in summative assessments. Not being able to read or comprehend the context of their learning would indicate that ākonga is not in a programme of study at the right level.
10. Student Success can pre-empt ākonga alternative assessment needs/requirements if they are known and can advise the relevant programme.
11. This procedure does not cover situations where the arrangements and assistance provided would invalidate the summative assessment of stated learning outcomes, for example, the provision of a reader-writer in an assessment situation where the ability to read and write in English is the skill to be assessed.
12. Moderation – refer to TKM, Moderation of Summative Assessments, Section 7.10 and Te Pūkenga Kaupapa-here / Moderation Policy.
13. Heads of College/Programme Heads or equivalent in conjunction with College Assessment Committees are responsible for ensuring that a robust and effective internal moderation system is in place for both pre-assessment and post-assessment moderation activity which meets internal and external requirements.
14. Where more than one (1) College delivers a programme of study each Head of College/Programme Head/Assessment Committee, is required to establish a moderation relationship with the other Colleges/Campus.
15. All assessment tools and/or processes are to be moderated prior to use (pre-assessment moderation) by the person(s) other than the assessment tool developer.
16. A sampling process is used to post-moderate the assessing of ākonga work (post-assessment moderation) by the person(s) other than the original assessor/marker.
17. Annual Moderation Plans will be prepared for both internal and external assessment to be implemented within each programme of study/College.
18. For NZQA-managed external moderation, the Academic Excellence Team or equivalent, will liaise with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) and the Head of College/Programme Head or equivalent and facilitate the annual Assessment Plan and annual Moderation Plan.
19. For Workforce Development Council (WDC) managed external moderation, the Head of College/Programme Head or equivalent, in conjunction with the Academic Excellence Team or equivalent will liaise with the relevant WDC and facilitate the external WDC moderation processes within the required timeframes.
20. For degrees and related qualifications internal and external moderation processes will be reported to and discussed with the Monitor.
21. The OPBD Internal Auditor will audit internal and external pre- and post-assessment moderation according to the moderation audit schedule.
22. The effectiveness of the programme of study’s assessment and moderation is evaluated and reviewed at least annually, and the outcomes are included in the Annual Programme Evaluation and Review (APER) report for each programme of study.
23. Cross Credits/Credit Transfer will be considered according to TKM, Part 3, Recognising Prior Knowledge and Skills and Recognition of Prior Learning- OPBD Procedure.
24. Grades and results allocated will be consistent with the grade tables specified in the Grade Tables, Honours, Distinction and Merit – OPBD Procedure for OPBD approved Programmes of Study. For Te Pūkenga unified programmes refer to TKM, Grading, Section 7.15 and Assessment Grades, Section 7.16.
25. Reconsideration/Appeals – refer to TKM, Reconsideration of Assessment Decisions, Section 7.18, Reconsideration of Course Final Grade, Section 7.19 and Appeal of r=Reconsideration, Section 7.20.
26. Any disagreement relating to assessment decisions should be dealt with in accordance with the Te Pūkenga Kaupapa-here Ākonga Concerns and Complaints Policy and Te Pūkenga Kaupapa-here Ākonga Appeals Policy and the relevant OPBD procedures.
27. Retention of assessment and moderation materials – refer to TKM, Retention of assessment evidence, Section 7.11 must be retained for twelve (12) months or the preceding academic year, whichever is longer.
Appendix 1. Alternative Assessment Application Form 2022 (downloadable)
Appendix 2. Learner Assessment in Te Reo Māori (below)
Te Pūkenga Policies
- Te Pūkenga Kaupapa-here / Ākonga Concerns and Complaints Policy
- Te Pūkenga Kaupapa-here / Ākonga Appeals Policy
Otago Polytechnic Policies and Procedures
- Academic Integrity – OPBD Procedure
- Ākonga/Learner Discipline – OPBD Procedure
- Ākonga Learner Results, Transcripts and Award Certificates for Qualifications – OPBD Procedure
- Assessment Committee Policy
- Grade Tables, Honours, Distinction and Merit – OPBD Procedure
- Impaired Performance/Aegrotat – OPBD Procedure Information Management Policy
- Intellectual Property Policy
- Intellectual Property - Mātauranga Māori Policy
- Postgraduate Supervision and Submission of Research Outputs – OPBD Procedure
- Recognition of Prior Learning – OPBD Procedure
- Results Process for Consultancy – OPBD Procedure.
Other Documents
NZQF Consent and Moderation Requirements
Appendix 1. Alternative Assessment Application Form 2022 (downloadable)
RESPONSIBILITY: Deputy Executive Director: Tiriti and Partnerships
1. Assessment in Te Reo Māori – refer to TKM, Applying for Recognition of Prior Knowledge and Skills (RPKS), Section 3.2 and Assessment in Te Reo, Section 7.2.
1.1. Requests are to be received within time frames which enable the request to be met and only if the following conditions are satisfied:
1.1.a. Ākonga can evidence proficiency in te reo Māori to the level outlined in Te Taura Whiri I te Reo Māori – Guidelines for Māori Language Orthography
1.1.b. All other requirements outlined in this procedure are met.
2. Ākonga who intend to present all or part of a summative assessment, examination, or piece of work in te reo Māori are required to give notice of their intention to do so in writing. This notice of intention is necessary to allow Otago Polytechnic Business Division (OPBD) time to make suitable arrangements for assessing including, when necessary, translation and external assessment. The following considerations must be adhered to:
2.1. Ākonga must write to the Head of College and Programme Head or equivalent of their enrolled programme of study to give notice of their intention.
2.2. Notice should be given within three (3) weeks of the start date of the programme of study unless exceptional circumstances have been given.
2.3. The notice must outline how ākonga meets the conditions outlined in this procedure.
3. Timely consultation with the Kaitohutohu Office is essential to ensure that appropriate support is provided to ākonga and kaimahi to enable ākonga summative assessments in te reo Māori. The College concerned will notify the Kaitohutohu Office of ākonga intention to submit in te reo Māori as soon as notice is received by the Head of College and Programme Head or equivalent.
4. There are currently three (3) options available for the summative assessment or examination of work submitted in te reo Māori. These are outlined below in the order of preference, which is dependent on the variables available for each option:
4.1. Assessment/Examination Assessor/Marker
Every effort will be made by the Head of College or equivalent to have a summative assessment, examination or piece of work assessed by a person qualified to assess the work in te reo Māori. This should be an assessor for the course/programme of study if they are considered by the Head of College or equivalent, in consultation with the Kaitohutohu Office, to have a suitable level of Māori language proficiency to do so.
The College may also deem it necessary for ākonga to provide a glossary of technical terms to assist with any translation required. This will need to be prepared in advance and in consultation with the Programme Head or equivalent.
4.2. Substitute Assessor/Marker
If an assessor/marker of the relevant summative assessment, examination or piece of work is not proficient to assess the work in te reo Māori, a substitute assessor, proficient in both the subject matter or discipline and in te reo Māori, may be appointed by the Head of College or equivalent in consultation with the Kaitohutohu Office and in agreement with the Programme Head or equivalent, to assess the ākonga work presented in te reo Māori.
Otago Polytechnic Business Division will take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances (considering the period of notice given and the timeframe of the summative assessment process) to appoint a suitable substitute assessor/marker from within or external to the OPBD.
The approved Course Descriptor, summative assessment, examination, or piece of work and marking guide translated to te reo Māori MUST be given to the substitute assessor/marker.
4.3. Translator
If a substitute assessor/marker is not available to assess the ākonga work in te reo Māori, a translator may be appointed by the Head of College or equivalent in consultation with the Kaitohutohu Office and in agreement with the appropriate Programme Head or equivalent. The following process will be adhered to:
- For the process for requesting translation services, refer to Te Reo Māori Translation or email the Kaitohutohu Office directly:
- All reasonable steps will be taken to ensure that the translator is competent in the subject matter or discipline under summative assessment or examination. If the translator is not competent in the subject matter or discipline under summative assessment or examination, the translator can request a glossary of technical terms to assist any translation required. The decision of the Head of College or equivalent and Kaitohutohu Office regarding the linguistic proficiency of the translator appointed should be treated as final, subject to the provisions for reconsideration of the final grade according to Te Pūkenga Kaupapa-here Ākonga Concerns and Complaints Policy and Te Pūkenga Kaupapa-here Ākonga Appeals
- Translators will be informed that the summative assessment, examination, or piece of work submitted is a requirement of an OPBD course as part of the ākonga programme of study.
- An estimate of the time to complete the translation work will be provided to the Head of College or equivalent prior to ākonga work being commenced.
- The translator will be sent a copy of the original summative assessment, examination, or piece of work with ākonga details removed to maintain the ākonga anonymity and remove any potential conflict of interest.
- Once the summative assessment, examination or piece of work has been translated and considered by the assessor/marker, the result received for the work will count towards the final grade given to ākonga.
- The summative assessment, examination or piece of work should be translated as accurately as possible, bearing in mind it is not always possible to provide an exact translation from one language to another.
- In the translation the translator will be asked not to correct errors of content or inconsistencies, nor to make suggested improvements to the flow of the work. However, ambiguities arising from the translation as well as notes regarding the quality and clarity of the language used by ākonga, including, but not limited to, sentence structure, spelling, and grammar, should be pointed out to the Programme Head or equivalent when the translation is returned.
- Where necessary, the Programme Head or equivalent may seek clarification about aspects of the translation from the translator but contact between ākonga and translator is prohibited.
- Once translated, assessing/marking should be carried out by the assessor/marker, as they would any other summative assessment, submitted by ākonga
5. Resorting to the translation of a summative assessment, examination or piece of work should only be made when reasonable efforts to find an assessor/marker proficient in assessing the work in te reo Māori have been exhausted.
5.1. Colleges should not handle translations they must contact the Kaitohutohu Office and discuss at the time of the Notice of Intention submission to ensure consistency in practice and adherence to this procedure.
5.2. The Kaitohutohu Office will maintain a database of substitute assessors/markers and translators proficient in te reo Māori and their area of discipline.
6. Where ākonga has given notice in writing of their intention to submit summative assessment/s in te reo Māori, they should be informed by the Head of College or equivalent as soon as is reasonably possible within two (2) weeks (ten (10) working days) whether or not the summative assessment, examination or piece of work will be based on the translation or completed by an assessor/marker who is also an expert in the subject matter or discipline.
7. If the summative assessment, examination, or piece of work is an oral assessment, the same principles should apply as for written work. Practicalities may require modifications, however, such as a limitation on the use of te reo Māori where oral work involves group work or interaction with ākonga who do not speak or understand te reo Māori.
8. All costs associated with the engagement of a substitute assessor/marker and/or translator related to the assessing of a summative assessment, examination, or piece of work in te reo Māori will be the responsibility of the College. (Pool of funding held by Kaitohutohu Office, a request from the Head of College can be put through to the Kaitohutohu Office for consideration).
9. Return and Feedback of assessment and assessed work to ākonga – refer to TKM, Notification of Assessment Results, Section 6.9. Access to Marked Assessments, Section 7.9., Approval of Final Course Results and Programme Results and Outcomes, Section 7.12. and Notification of Final Course or Programme Outcomes, Section 7.13.
9.1 When a summative assessment, examination or piece of work is returned to ākonga, any translations or notes to the translation (if applicable) provided should also be returned to ākonga. The name of the translator should always remain confidential.
9.2 However, where translation work is required, the return of results to ākonga may be delayed allowing time for the translation to take place before assessing. If this is the case, ākonga will be informed by the College within five (5) working days after the due date of assessment submission.
Approved by
Dr Megan Pōtiki
Executive Director
Current Version V11: Previously Coded: AP0900.