Standard requirements of PEACs
1. The Chair is to be an external stakeholder.
2. PEACs are to meet a minimum of at least twice (2) a year. Cancelled meetings are to be rescheduled within one (1) month of the cancelled meeting. Meetings may be face-to-face, by phone/video/computer conferencing, or online.
3. The PEAC meeting schedule and membership list for the year are to be confirmed by 31 March at the latest. Ideally, meetings for the following year should be set at the last meeting of the year. Refer to the Otago Polytechnic staff intranet Tūhono, Tools, Academic Excellence, Learner Experience, How can we help, PEAC for PEAC meeting schedule and PEAC membership list
4. The PEAC should, prior to business planning, consider opportunities for a programme of study development/redevelopment and consider the annual report. Further meetings should be held to consult about the development of the new programme(s) of study, to meet accreditation and monitoring panels and to consider the annual Programme Review reports (APERs) and any actions that should be taken for the following year.
5. Formal recommendations require there to be more than fifty per cent (50%) of members in attendance.
6. Attendance at meetings is to be monitored and recorded in the minutes. This record is for internal purposes only, e.g., consultation, and proactive public relations.
7. Where a PEAC member has not attended two (2) consecutive meetings and HAS not sent their apologies, their membership is to be reviewed.
8. Heads of College are required to ensure:
a. Discussion documents are prepared for debate and circulated in advance.
b. Working parties are established to act as sub-committees of the PEAC and may include people, who are not members of the PEAC.
c. Invitations are sent to PEAC members for important programme(s) of study or College events such as displays of learner work.
Guidelines for PEAC Discussions
1. Training and education needs, gaps, and priorities
1.1. Consider and review the portfolio of programmes of study offered by the College to ensure complete, current and/or relevant.
1.2. Consider any gaps within the current programme(s) of study
2. Programme(s) of study development
2.1. All Type 2 changes and all new programme(s) of study are to be considered and discussion and recommendations recorded in the meeting minutes.
2.2. It may be appropriate to involve PEAC in discussion of some Type 1 changes.
3. Evaluation
3.1. Self-review.