About this event

  • Event lasts 3 hours 30 minutes

Event Objectives:

· Provide insights to learners and graduates on improving their employability in the competitive job market.

· Facilitate networking and mentoring opportunities between alumni and current students.

· Showcase and celebrate employability stories and journeys of students through a video competition.

· Discuss the gap between higher education curricula and labor market expectations and explore solutions.


4:00 pm - 4:20 pm

Registration and Welcome Refreshments

4:20 pm - 4:45 pm

Welcome and Keynote Address

4:50 am - 5:50 am

Alumni Panel Discussion + Q&A

5:50 pm - 6:10 pm

"Showcasing My Employability" Video Competition Prize Giving

6:15 pm - 7:30 pm

Catered light dinner + Informal networking opportunity




Published on 16 Aug 2024

Orderdate: 16 Aug 2024
Expiry: 16 Aug 2026

Date Time Location Facilitator
Tuesday, 27 August 2024 4:00pm ~7:30pm Level One Employability Services