Check out past professional development updates
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Referring learners to Student Success and TPO
Online webinar
Join an online lunchtime session to find out about the referral process. This is for all kaimahi.

Cybersecurity Awareness Online Course
Online self-paced
Become more cybersafe by learning how to minimise the risks to our business and our people.

Hotaka Hauora | Wellbeing Programmes for kaimahi
Online and kanohi-ki-te-kanohi (face-to-face) sessions
Te Pūkenga offers wellbeing programmes for kaimahi, Mental Health First Aid Aotearoa; MH101 - Blueprint for Learning

Rainbow Education Sessions
Online webinar
Learn more about Rainbow diversity and inclusion in the workplace in these workshops from Rainbow Tick.

Performance Reviews and Management Training for Leaders
Helping leaders to enable the best performance of their kamahi.

Professional Boundaries
Online self-paced
Supporting you to meet expected professional behaviours and boundaries in your work.

Certificate in Bicultural Competency (Level 4)
Find out about the Certificate in Bicultural Competency (Level 4).

Introduction to Te Tiriti o Waitangi Workshop
Workshops in March, July, October
This 2 day workshop will explore the Treaty of Waitangi and its implications in a non-confrontational, participatory process.

Facilitating Learning Success
Explore learning and teaching strategies to sustainably facilitate inclusive learning environments.
Ako Aotearoa professional learning
Online short courses and workshops
Building educational capability for learner success

ATEM Professional Development - latest events
Conferences | Workshops
ATEM for professional Education Management staff and leaders working in tertiary education across Australasia.
AdmiNZ PD + Networking
Webinars | Workshops | Networking
Supporting the changing roles and responsibilities of Administrative Professionals
Diversity Works NZ events & training
Webinars | Workshops
Helping organisations do workplace inclusion well, and do well because of it.